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Requested translations - MÃ¥ddie

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Source language
Engels Although the medieval state was by no means a...
Although the medieval state was by no means a welfare state, at least manor and guild were in some sort responsible for their members, but medieval collectivism was now giving place to individualism.
Moreover, the old nobility had almost destroyed itself in thirty years of internecine war –there was only one duke left at the end of H.’s reign – and the lord of the manor was now typically a country gentleman and justice of peace living quietly on the outskirts of a village in an unfortified manor house. In any event the new invention of gunpowder made fortifications almost as useless as the plate armour worn by knights in the late wars, and the king was the only man who could afford a train of cannon.

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Deşi statul medieval nu era sub nici o formă....
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels One door away from heaven
One door away from heaven, we live each day and hour.
Romani (not Romanian), thank you very much in advance! :)

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Bir kapı cennetten uzak,her günü ve her saati yaşıyoruz.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romeens inima mea e slabita tare.Mi e rupta in mii de...
inima mea e slabită tare. Mi-e ruptă în mii de bucăţi; ştiu că într-o zi o să-mi ceri iertare, până atunci o să înveţi... că mie acum sufletul mi se stinge. Încrederea în mine, în viaţă, s-au dus, pe inima mea cu lacrimi ninge, simt că sunt la propriu apus....
Changed with diacritics - azitrad
original version: "nima mea e slabita tare.Mi e rupta in mii de bucati;stiu ca intr o zi o sa mi ceri iertare,pana atenci o sa mie acum sufletul mi se stinge.increde n mine,in viata,s as dus,pe inima mea cu lacrimi ninge,simt ca suntla propi um apus...."

Vertalings gedaan
Engels My heart is extremely weakened.
Spaans Mi corazón está muy debilitado
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romeens fiecare om are destinul său, singura regulă este...
fiecare om are destinul său, singura regulă este să îl accepte şi să îl urmeze oriunde l-ar duce!
modified with diacritics - azitrad

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Every individual has his own destiny, the only rule is ...
Spaans Cada individuo tiene su propio destino...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romeens te pup dulce frumosica din brazilia la...
te pup dulce frumosica din brazilia

la revedere copila

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I give you a sweet kiss, pretty Brazilian girl...
Brasiliaanse Portugees Eu dou a você um beijo doce, bela garota brasileira
Source language
Bulgaars видеонаблюдение, пожарен датчик, контрол на...
видеонаблюдение, пожарен датчик, контрол на достъпа, отчитане на работното време
"видеонаблюдение" може да се замести и от видео камери... и понеже не съм запозната с румънския,моля за помощ!

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens supraveghere video, senzor de incendiu, controlul ...
Engels video surveillance, fire sensor, access control, reporting working schedule
Source language
Oekraïenies Дякую тобі,Сонце. Ти самий кращий.
Дякую тобі,Сонце. Ти самий кращий.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Thank you, honey
Romeens Mulţumesc, dragul meu. Eşti cel mai bun.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hongaars nagy igazat tetszett mondani
nagy igazat tetszett mondani

Vertalings gedaan
Engels You've said a big truth
Duits Du hast eine große Wahrheit gesagt.
Romeens Ai spus un mare adevăr
Source language
Engels hello, thanks for your answer...
Hello, thank you for your answer. I will get back to you as soon as the payment is made (if not tomorrow, on Monday for sure.) I believe you will have to deliver the item in Germany, because it is much easier for me; I’ll send you the address in an e-mail.
thank you in advance :)I want to send message this in Belgium, so I guess it is Flemish.

Vertalings gedaan
Nederlands Hallo.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Grieks Πού πήγε η ανιδιοτέλεια και ο ρομαντισμός;
Πού πήγε η ανιδιοτέλεια και ο ρομαντισμός;
b.e. :Pou pige i anidiotelia ke o romantismos”

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Where have disinterest and romanticism gone?
Romeens Unde au dispărut dezinteresul şi idealismul?
Source language
Duits Dir werde dich zufügen wenn ich den yahoo...
Danke dir werde dich zufügen wenn ich den yahoo anmache.
mesaj de multumire

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Mulţumesc, te voi adăuga atunci când intru pe Yahoo.
Engels I´ll add you.
Source language
Hebreeus מה שם הפרוטי שלך
מה שם הפרוטי שלך

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Care este prenumele tău?
Engels what is your first name?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Duits Hobbies: мιт ƒяєυи∂єи ∂ιє ѕтяαѕѕєи υиѕι¢нєя...
hey adi,mein schatz: Wo du letztens hier warst ihn Papenburg dass wahr so geil.Ich wünschte du währst hier jeden Tag.Damit ich dich jeden Tag sehen kann.Und dorel sagt immer so vergess Adi ich finde dass voll doof von ihm. Denn ich werde dich nie vergessen.Dafür bist du mir viel zu wichtig mein schatz.Sag ihn aber nicht das ich dir das erzählt habe ok.Ich denke jede Tag an dich.Und wo du mich ganze Zeit angeuckt hast.Wahr voll süß.Sehr süß.Ok schreib zurück wenn du kannst schatz .
Ich liebe dich mein süsser kuss!!!! Deine asya

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Hobbies: hanging around with friends
Romeens Hobby-uri: petrecând timp împreună cu prietenii
Source language
Nederlands de aannemer stelt zichin verbinding met de...
de aannemer stelt zichin verbinding met de bevoegde overheid voor het bepalen van de bouwlijn.De bouwwerken worden uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de opgemakte plannen evenals de niveaus.Daarna wordt het tracé der werken en gebouw uitgezet.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Building plans
Romeens Planurile de construcţie
Source language
Romeens Adunările generale ale Ligii Oraşelor Istorice au...
Adunările generale ale Ligii Oraşelor Istorice au loc anual si se doresc a fi un forum, un loc de întâlnire pentru stimularea acestor schimburi de experienţă, pentru încurajarea şi susţinerea măsurilor de reabilitare, protejare şi valorizare a siturilor şi monumentelor istorice.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The General Meetings of the League of Historical Cities take ...
Duits Die Generalversammlungen der Liga Historischer Städte
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Romeens Când rupi o coardă de vioară,...
Când rupi o coardă de vioară,
vioara tace murmurând,
o altă coardă îi ia locul
şi vezi vioara iar cântând,
dar dacă din întâmplare
în coarda inimii loveşti,
ea tace pentru totdeauna,
şi nu mai poţi să o înlocuieşti.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels When you break a violin string, the violin becomes silent...
Spaans Cuando rompes una cuerda de violín
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latyn Fallax vulpes corvum videt et caseum cupit.
Fallax vulpes corvum videt et caseum cupit.

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Şireata vulpe vede corbul şi râvneşte la brânză.
Engels The perfidious fox sees the raven and covets the cheese.
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